Автор: Alex S, 12.09.2010 18:05:49

Sanatorium “Karpaty” in Transkarpathia

Rest4U Публикации Украина Закарпатская обл. Мукачевский район Карпаты Sanatorium “Karpaty” in Transkarpathia

is one of the best recreation centers of the Carphatian region. Hundreds of patients with diseases of blood circulation organs and nerve system disorders come here for the effective treatement every year. The sanatorium is situated on the slope of woody Carphatian Mountains at the height of approximately 300 meters above sea level. Its location is very convenient: buildings lie in the valley of the river called Latoritsa in a picturesque reservation of Beregvar. It is 60 km from city of Uzhgorod, 18 km from city of Mukachevo and 10 km from town of Svaliava. The real adornment of the sanatorium is an ancient palace, the historical memorial of architecture of the 19th century. It is surrounded with a beautiful park, which has a decorative lake in its center. There are more than 40 sorts of rare plants growing in it including Canadian firs, Japanese cherry-trees, rose beeches, vinegar trees and much more.
The climate is continental, temperate. Winter is soft, not very cold. Average temperature in January is –3оC. Summer is warm and usually it does not rain a lot during summer months. Average temperature of July is +20оC. Quantity of rain sediments is about 600 mm per year. The number of sunny hours is approximately 2000. The unique air composition influences benevolently the body of a patient, stimulates and makes his/her protective level of the constitution and compensative mechanisms stronger.
Positive curative effect ia attained for those patients with heart diseases (first and second functional classes), memory disorders due to insufficient blood circulation (no higher than first degree), hipertonical disease of first and second degree, heart rheumatism, neurasthenia and vegetative-vessel distonias.Treatment of patients who had suffered acute infarcts is held in spherical rehabilitative department.
is equipped with modern medical and diagnostical rooms. One can go trough a full clinical analysis and functional diagnosis at therapist’s as well as neuralgia department, clinical and biochemical laboratories, iridodiagnostical medical rooms.
Medical basis of sanatorium consists of water treatment department with mineral baths and curative showers; ozocerite department where musculatory and support organs’ disosters are being cured along with peripheral nervous system; gym for curative physical exercises; inhalation rooms; massage; reflex therapy; electro-therapy, etc. There is also a dentist’s department with prosthetic rooms.
There are a conceert hall for 450 seats, a dance hall, a library with a reading hall. Parties and social soirres are held every night; once a week one can go on an entertaining excursion through the Carpathians.
There is a telegraph, long distance services, a post office and a rail road booking office for the convenience of the rest takers.
The unique and abundant nature of the resort, modern medical technologies, qualified personell are the pledge of your pleasant leisure time and succesfull treatment.

Our address:     89641, Ukraine, Transkarpathia, Sanatorium “Karpaty”
Fax.: +38(03131)  5-44-33,  4-99-16.
Tel.: +38(03131) 5-44-33, 7-33-07.

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