Автор: Alex S, 01.11.2011 21:17:32

Welcome to EURO 2012

Rest4U Публикации Украина Львовская обл. Львов ЛЬВОВ Welcome to EURO 2012

Probably each of us have heard about the Euro 2012! This event is being discussed everywhere: Internet, television, we can also see various articles in newspapers and magazines. Recalls that Ukraine and Poland won the right to organize the championship in 2007. Championship held in such Ukrainian cities as Kiev, Lviv, Kharkiv, as well as the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. There is careful preparation, the majority of tickets have already ordered and purchased.
Participating cities, of course, preparing for the large influx of tourists. In each city to build new hotels, also signed agreements with the already existing hotels were selected in 18 Ukrainian universities are also able to stay tourists. Underway to improve roads, they repaired and completed. Introduced the bill to build a new, fast railways to tourists the opportunity to visit not one but several cities in Ukraine.
Kyiv is the best in preparing for the championship. Here the best hotels are built, repaired pensions for fans who do not have to stay in hotels (10dol.za night). Special attention will be delegated to emergency assistance, planned conversion of the clinics in paragraphs ambulance as a problem of stray dogs on the streets of the capital. During the championship there will be organized fan zone. There will be organized in many places to relax, on Independence Square will be interesting concerts and festivals, will open a lot of souvenir shops, tourists were able to buy something in memory of our country.
Lviv are also not lagging behind in training, there is built a new stadium, where in November plan to hold the first match between the national teams of Ukraine and Austria.
Euro 2012 should receive Kharkiv ,Lviv Automobile Plant trolley, which plans to install cameras to driver could see the behavior of passengers.
Already in June 2011 is planned to start a volunteer program of UEFA Euro 2012. The official website will be made questionnaire which will fill any person who wants to volunteer Ukraine - Polish championship.
Even in Poland, we are preparing for the championship. It will be held in cities such as Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Poznan. Warsaw National Stadium is built, and the work goes very quickly. Already in August, is planning to hold a competition - Red Bull X (motokros). The Polish government expects about 1 million fans who should visit to Poland and be able to relax here and leave 220mln euros. In Poland, tourists can in the best hotels and mid-level hotels, visit the great restaurants with national cuisine, cafes, cinemas, ride the rides, which are in almost every town.

Very interesting! Is Ukraine will fulfill all that promising and football championship or the country will profit?
Some economists suggest that the Euro 2012 Ukraine will one loss, and I agree. New erected, constructed on the eve of the championship in the future will not bring any profit losing them a large sum of money. Many tickets were bought by Ukrainian and Polish, as tourists from other European countries will get a little bit, though they would have left the country a good amount of money.

Petiy M.

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